In a recent conversation, Bioenergetic healer Sarah Irwin and Miriam Katz discussed:
Listen here at Not Medical Advice on Spotify.
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While the School of Hebrew Shamanism primarily focuses on pre-Jewish content, this upcoming book explores the Goddess as she manifests at the unseen heart of Judaism.
The Goddess in Judaism is known primarily as Shekhinah, though she wears such names as Tehom, Chokhmah, and even Lilith. Those who practice Judaism focus primarily on the seen content, the Torah and its Mitzvot (commandments), as well as Jewish community and culture. Just like the bagel, however, what is most central to Judaism is the overlooked vortex at its center. The indwelling spirit, or Goddess. Join the mailing list to receive an alert when this forthcoming book is available. Each of us is encoded with divine energies that animate us, giving us the gift of life in each moment. Beginning on October 23, we will delve into these energies, getting to know their nature and how they shape ours. Use mystical tools including guided meditation and shamanic journeying to meet 9 aspects of divinity that reside within you. Together, we will restore these aspects to wholeness so that each of us can live as the divine beings we are. Amplify your capacity for healing, divination and manifestation using sacred geometry as a portal to realize your potential as a co-creative being. 2022-2023 God/dess Cycle |